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Red Mill Pond Community Outreach
Sat, Mar 10, 2018

On Saturday, March 10, 2018, members of the Lewes FD met with almost 100 residents of Red Mill Pond during our second "Community Outreach" event of the year.  Red Mill Pond was the site of a devastating house fire on January 8, 2018, where a resident's house was completely destroyed.  LFD Assistant Chief Aidan Gause and Firefighter Charlie Kortlang talked to residents and answered their questions about that fire, and why fires in today's "lightweight construction" houses burn faster and hotter than fires in older houses.  Paramedics Glenn Marshall and Tony Esposito provided a presentation on CPR and the Lucas device, then presented the residents with their own newly purchased AED, which will be mounted in their clubhouse.  Craig Stephens went over his fantastic "History of the Lewes Fire Department" presentation, and Bob Nicholson stressed the importance of fire prevention.  Jerri MacCoy talked about the LFD Auxiliary, and ran out of applications for new membership!  After the event was concluded, residents were able to walk outside and get up-close with Engine 82-9 and Ambulance B-82.  Other members who assisted during the event were Greg Bennett, Joe Esposito, Marcia Esposito, Caddie Joseph, Pam McClanahan, Sean McClanahan, Dante Privott, Katelynn Robinson, and Bob Schappert.

Overall, it was another highly successful outreach meeting put together by the company's Community Outreach Committee, chaired by Bob Schappert.  If your community would like to have a similar morning of information and Q&A with the Lewes Fire Department, please contact us.  We're always happy to meet with you!

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