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Beef and Beer Benefit
Sat, May 4, 2013

A successful benefit for one of our own!!  This past Saturday night we held a Beef n Beer benefit for Walt Reynolds Jr. to defray the cost of his medical bills who is battling cancer.  All that attended had a great time and a lot of $$ was raised.  We would like to thank the following fire companies for their helpful contributions; Memorial (Slaughter Beach) and their ladies for preparing the food, Georgetown for cooking/donating towards the beef and Seaford for their contribution.  Frankford and Dagsboro for their standby crews for the evening.  And Thank You to all the businesses that donated to the beef n beer.  We would also like to thank all the neighboring companies and public that attended. along with all our own members of Lewes Fire Dept. and Auxiliary,   Without  your generous help, this would not have been possible.


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